What trends are shaping 2019? | NTT DATA

Tue, 19 February 2019

What trends are shaping 2019?

What is shaping the technological landscape? Analysts such as Gartner, Forrester, Forbes and Mckinsey, based on their own evaluation criteria, have already identified what main dynamics are set to have an impact on companies during this year. Taking into account this external vision, and building upon our own perception of the market, at everis Technology & Advanced Solutions we have given plenty of thought on the technological trends of 2019 and have highlighted five exponential technologies that we believe will be the cornerstone for businesses in the immediate future: 

  • AI: the brain that controls everything.
  • IoT and the magic behind connecting things.
  • AR, VR and MR created by and for people.
  • Blockchain: the power of mathematics at the service of people.
  • Cloud Computing: the partner of traditional companies.

The so-called exponential technologies provide the strategic underpinning for creating value. Their exponential nature relates to the magnitude of the impact they have. Both from a services and experience point of view as well as from that of operative competitiveness, the exponential dimension of these technologies is becoming more mature in accelerating business transformation

The convergence of technology and business is proving to be key in driving growth and competitiveness. That is why large companies should be aware of what is happening in the technological field. Understanding the strategic value of this convergence will be key to transforming organizations and delivering differential value in the market.

At everis we believe that providing differential value will lead to user-based experiences; business-oriented infrastructures; an increase in building trust and security in business models, and smart companies capable of leveraging Big Data and Artificial Intelligence to improve or automatize processes and decision making. 


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