everis evolves process robotization with its new platform Clonika | NTT DATA

everis evolves process robotization with its new platform Clonika

everis further develops its intelligent business process automation platform, which takes Robotic Process Automation technology (RPA) to the next level and allows them to provide integral process transformation solutions.
Clonika, the new solution geared towards businesses looking to streamline their processes and increase their competitiveness, integrating business capabilities with the latest technological market trends.

everis’ experience helping businesses from different industries with their automatization process has led them to understand that robotization and the use of technologies such as RPA aren’t enough to solve 100% of tasks and activities being done in most business processes, so they have evolved their platform Clonika and created a methodology with a focus on operations in which the new digital workforce maximizes the value of people.

According to Juan Gallego, Head of Intelligent Automation at everis, “an automation strategy must be focused on a cultural change that allows to integrate people, processes and technologies in the new business models of the future. Clonika is the technological asset that allows to implement this strategy”.

Clonika brings together technological capabilities such as Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Virtual Agents, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Business Process Management (BPM), in an integrated and modular platform, which will allow to make End2End transformations with an As a Service (SaaS) approach, making the solution more flexible in order to adapt to the changes under a highly competitive cost scenario.

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