HYPER Transcoding Technology is an advanced file-based batch transcoder that allows the creation of ultra-optimized HQ encoding pipelines and is available on-prem, in the Cloud or in hybrid mode.
HYPER exploits innovative features, such as a Psycho-Visual pre-filter, to obtain a higher perceptual quality at the source, or Context-Aware Encoding 2.0, to modulate the encoding parameters using AI algorithms and to control the correct video filtering based on the complexity of the content, so obtaining the best possible quality from a compression system.
In this way, HYPER offers first-rate quality/bitrate ratios in AVC/HEVC encoding for all displays, from handhelds to 4K HDR televisions. The dynamically-obtained encoding allows the optimization of the bandwidth data flow, improving the quality of experience (QoE), reducing costs and enabling high definition even at lower bitrates.